
after ordering You can cancel the order during 10 minutes, by call on hot line.

Yes, we have the exact same prices as in Spari.

You can see your order status on the profile page in the current orders.

Orders are accepted only online. If you have any questions, you can use the hotline from 9:00am to 9:00pm every day.

User terms

Very simply, just by social network or by email.


Choose a delivery location or pickup location, add your favorite items to the cart,  and place your order.

What are you waiting for? Start shopping now!

It’s too simple!

Select the cart sign next to the item you want to be delivered/picked up, to add the item to your cart. You can also click the item to see a more detailed item description, and then select the cart sign to add it to the cart. When an item is in your cart, you will see a sign "X" appear next to the item that means it is in the cart.

You can only pay online. You will only need to fill out the card data once if you wish.